Sundarbans Ecotourism Business Program

The Sundarbans Ecotourism Business Program is a comprehensive initiative designed to promote responsible tourism practices throughout the Sundarbans region. Structured around the criteria set by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC), this program has been localized and is tailored to support Sundarbans periphery tourism businesses in achieving sustainability across social, economic, and environmental dimensions.

Through a tiered recognition system — starting with an entry-level pledge and progressing through the Green and Gold levels (which include an auditing process) — businesses are encouraged to implement sustainable management practices, protect cultural and natural heritage, and contribute positively to their communities. By fostering collaboration and adherence to international standards, the program aims to ensure that tourism development in the Sundarbans remains sustainable for future generations.

The education, designation, and promotion elements of the program are available only to members of GSETS. However, the sustainable practices and pledge level are open to all businesses. We encourage all those who live in the greater Sundarbans region to adopt these practices and to work together to conserve and protect this beautiful natural wonder that we are privileged to live near. 

Ecotourism Pledge Level

The Pledge Level of the Ecotourism Business Program serves as the entry point for businesses committed to responsible tourism in the Sundarbans. At this stage, businesses agree to basic sustainability principles, focusing on minimizing negative environmental impacts, promoting fair labor practices, and supporting the local economy. The purpose of the pledge is to encourage businesses to adopt foundational sustainable practices and set the groundwork for further progression through higher certification levels as they enhance their commitment to sustainability.

Sign the Pledge

⬇️ View, download and print the pledge here in English and in Bengali.

You can also view, download and print this USAID poster with the Do's and Don'ts of the Sundarbans

Ecotourism Green Level

The Green Level recognizes businesses that have actively implemented sustainable practices and can provide documented proof of their efforts. At this level, businesses submit evidence of compliance to GSETS with key sustainability criteria, including environmental protection, fair labor practices, and community engagement.

By meeting these standards, businesses demonstrate their commitment to responsible tourism and their dedication to preserving the Sundarbans while contributing to local well-being. This designation expires after two years and businesses must submit again to receive recertification.

Promotional Benefits:

  • GSETS members who reach this level are designated on the website with a green seedling 🌱 on their business listings. 
  • They are featured on special blogs and social media posts designed to highlight the program and encourage tourists to book their services with these businesses.
  • Additionally, they will receive an official designation certificate and sticker to display at their place of business for their level.

Do you want your business to be recognized and promoted as a Green Level Sundarbans Ecotourism Business? 

Contact us or email to learn how to become a GSETS member and to receive the checklist of items you can submit as evidence for criteria compliance. 

Ecotourism Gold Level

The Gold Level of the GSETS Sundarbans Ecotourism Business Program represents the highest standard of commitment to ecotourism. To achieve this prestigious designation, member businesses must have already achieved Green Level designation and also meet the sustainability criteria for Gold Level. In addition, they must also receive a peer nomination or recommendation, where industry colleagues recognize their exemplary efforts. Following the nomination, an audit is conducted by the GSETS Board of Directors, along with a designated committee of peer member businesses and organization representatives.

This comprehensive evaluation ensures that the business consistently upholds the principles of sustainable management, environmental stewardship, and community support. Earning the Gold Level certification signifies that the business is a leader in responsible tourism, setting a benchmark for others in the region. This designation expires after two years and businesses must receive nomination and be audited again to receive recertification. 

Promotional Benefits:

  • Gold member businesses are designated on the website with a 🌿 leaf frond on their listings. 
  • In addition to all the above Green Level benefits, these gold level businesses will be prioritized and directly introduced to tourists, groups, international partners and organizations through GSETS concierge services, marketing missions, and outreach promotional efforts. 

Do you know a GSETS member business in the Greater Sundarbans region that is practicing excellence in sustainability across social, economic, and environmental dimensions?  Contact us to nominate them!