Responsible Travel in the Greater Sundarbans

Offering Best Practices for Your Trip

Safaa Chardi

Imagine a vast landscape of mangrove forests stretching across the horizon, teeming with exotic wildlife and serene waterways. This is the breathtaking beauty of the Sundarbans, a UNESCO World Heritage Site as well as a Ramsar Site spanning the tidal border between India (40%) and Bangladesh (60%). As travelers, we are drawn to such natural wonders, but we must also be mindful of our impact on these fragile ecosystems.

Responsible travel in the Sundarbans is not only about admiring its natural splendor but also about preserving it for future generations. Every action we take, every decision we make, can influence the delicate balance of this unique environment. 

So, here are some tips on how we can explore this stunning region sustainably.

Where to Begin: Your Responsible Journey to the Greater Sundarbans

Our journey begins long before we set foot in the Sundarbans. It starts with the conscious decision to select vendors and services that prioritize sustainability. When booking your travel tickets to the destination, the options range from more environmentally friendly methods, such as public transit or shared rides, to those that produce higher levels of carbon emissions, like private cars or flights. Choosing the most sustainable option can significantly reduce your trip's environmental impact. 

Select Local Lodging, Homestays and EcoCottages

Another prime example would be to book your overnight stays at eco-friendly lodges and guesthouses, as opposed to chain hotels with wasteful energy or water usage and materials sourcing from long distances. Staying with GSETS members, such as Badaban Eco-Cottage or Gol Kanon Eco-Cottage, can provide a particularly meaningful experience. These accommodations often use renewable energy sources, practice waste reduction, offer locally-sourced products and amenities, and support local conservation efforts. 

Staying at such places committed to ecologically-friendly practices not only enhances your travel experience but also supports initiatives dedicated to environmental conservation. Supporting locally-owned businesses that prioritize sustainability and community-based ecotourism contributes positively to the well-being of the region and its inhabitants. This ensures that your visit has a lasting, beneficial impact on this remarkable protected area and its surrounding communities.

Embrace Eco-Friendly Tour and Transport Options

Let’s further discuss eco-friendly transportation options and regional tours once you’ve arrived at the destination. Embrace traveling like a local and opt for public transportation or select service providers that offer low-impact transportation methods, such as a human-powered rickshaw or non-motorized boats. These choices do more than just cut down on carbon emissions; they slow you down to immerse you more deeply in the region's unique atmosphere. 

For your tour into the Sundarbans Reserved Forest, this decision plays a crucial role in minimizing your environmental footprint.  Some GSETS boat owners and tour operators are dreaming of upgrades to their fleets by installing electric engines or quiet motors. Your tourism dollars support these businesses and assist them in reaching those goals. Therefore, your decision to travel with GSETS member businesses can help to develop the sustainable tourism products and offerings in the destination. 

Engage with Local Communities

Our journey doesn't end with transportation, accommodations, and tours. The true essence of responsible travel lies in our interactions with the people who call this region home. By hiring trained and certified eco-guides and supporting local business owners who prioritize sustainability, we contribute to a model of tourism that empowers communities and preserves the environment. These guides, deeply connected to the land, offer more than just knowledge; they provide a way to experience the Sundarbans that is both respectful and enriching.

A woman artisan doing needlework. Credit: Dhaka City Tours

In addition, we can further support sustainability by eating local foods, which not only reduces the carbon footprint associated with imported goods but also promotes regional agriculture and traditional food practices. Engaging with local culture and heritage, such as attending cultural performances or visiting heritage sites, deepens our understanding of the community and its history.

Supporting local women by purchasing their handcrafted goods or other products helps sustain their livelihoods and fosters economic growth that benefits the entire community. Choosing to buy from local artisans ensures that our contributions stay within the region, empowering locals and encouraging the preservation of traditional crafts and skills.

In all these ways, engaging with local communities and supporting sustainable practices ensures that our travels leave a positive, lasting impact.

Contribute to Conservation Efforts

When visiting destinations near key biodiversity hotspots or protected areas like the Sundarbans, there is often the opportunity to “give back” by engaging in voluntourism and conservation initiatives. Activities such as mangrove reforestation, wildlife monitoring, and beach cleanups not only help protect the delicate ecosystem but also foster a deeper connection to the region’s natural beauty. 

By participating in these hands-on activities, travellers can contribute directly to the preservation of critical habitats, aiding in the long-term sustainability of the area. These efforts ensure that future generations can continue to experience the rich biodiversity and unique landscapes of the Sundarbans. Additionally, supporting local conservation initiatives often benefits surrounding communities by promoting eotourism that drives economic growth without harming the environment.

Tourist participating in a mangrove planting activity. Credit: USAID Ecotourism Activity
Beach and shore cleanup haul. Credit: Dhaka City Tours

Further Recommendations for Responsible Travel

As we explore the remote waterways of the Sundarbans and its peripheral communities, it is essential to travel in ways that protect and preserve its fragile ecosystem. Given its unique environmental challenges, responsible travel is not just a recommendation—it’s a necessity. Minimizing our waste, reducing our environmental footprint, and respecting local wildlife and habitats are all key elements of sustainable tourism. Below are additional practices that can help ensure we leave as little impact as possible:

  • Avoid single-use plastics: Opt for reusable items such as water bottles, food containers, and tote bags to minimize the amount of plastic waste. Single-use plastics can easily harm wildlife and pollute this delicate ecosystem.
  • Pack-in, pack-out: Take all of your waste with you when you leave. This includes food wrappers, bottles, and other trash. Properly disposing of waste outside the reserve helps maintain the area's natural beauty and ecosystem health.
  • Follow Leave No Trace principles: Stay on marked paths, avoid disturbing wildlife, and take all personal belongings with you. These simple actions help minimize your impact on the environment and protect the area's biodiversity.
  • Respect wildlife and plant life: Observe animals from a distance without disturbing their natural behaviors. Avoid feeding wildlife and do not make loud noises, as this can stress the animals and alter their routines. Do not harvest plants and be cautious of introducing invasive plant species.
  • Educate yourself and others: Before your trip, take time to learn about the environmental challenges faced by the Sundarbans and the importance of sustainable tourism. Share this knowledge with fellow travelers to spread awareness and encourage more responsible travel behaviors.
  • Extend your stay: Staying longer in one place allows for a more immersive experience and reduces the environmental toll of frequent travel. By spending more time in the Sundarbans region, we not only gain a richer understanding of its people and ecosystems, but also help distribute the economic benefits of tourism more evenly across the region.
  • Adhere to Forest Department Regulations: Follow the rules and recommendations set in place by the Bangladesh Forest Department and understand the official Do's and Don'ts of the Sundarbans

By adopting these practices, we can travel responsibly and contribute to the preservation of the Sundarbans' unique ecosystem. Let every step we take leave only footprints, and let every moment spent here be a testament to our commitment to preserving one of the world’s most remarkable natural treasures.

Our plea and a vital Call to Action: Travel with intention, honor the places you visit, and take responsibility for the impact you leave behind. Together, we can protect the Sundarbans and other vulnerable ecosystems for future generations. Let your journey be a reflection of your respect for the planet and your dedication to its conservation. Thank you. 

About the Author

Safaa Chardi

Safaa Chardi, a PhD student of Geotourism in Morocco, focuses on sustainable tourism practices that both showcase and conserve geological sites, supporting the economic and cultural development of local communities. As a Summer 2024 Solimar International intern, she contributed to the development of digital content to support sustainable tourism initiatives in the Greater Sundarbans.